ספר חדש בעריכתו של ד"ר סדריק כהן סקלי על פילוסופית המדינית והבלשנית של האנרכיסט היהודי גוסטב לנדאואר (1870-191)

מילים לשבח הספר מאת פרופ' ויויאן ליסק 
“A century after Landauer’s murder, this groundbreaking collection of remarkably rich essays sheds new light on his revolutionary radicalism, his spiritual longing for a renewal of human communities, his linguistic skepticism inseparable from his anarchist antipolitics, and his identities as a German and as a Jew. By brilliantly putting Landauer in dialogue with Simone Weil, Margarete Susman, Leo Baeck, Martin Buber—and above all with our own troubled times—the volume is as indispensable as it is illuminating.” 
Vivian Liska, Director of the Institute of Jewish Studies, Professor of German Literature, Dept. Literature and Philosophy, University of Antwerp
