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The staff of the The Department of Jewish History greets you .
Here are the office hours of our faculty members. You are welcome to contact us with any question or problem.
Scheduling the meeting via email is recommended.

Academic staff

Dr. Daniel Mahla
Academic staff
 Research interests: Jewish history in 20th and 21st centuries Central-Europe and Israel. His research interests include modern nationalism, religion and politics, European-Israeli relations, popular culture, oral history, and German-speaking Jews in Israel.  
Prof. Hillel Newman
Academic Staff/ Dept. Head
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Jewish History of the Roman-Byzantine Period; Jewish-Christian relations in Late Antiquity; Apocalyptic LiteratureWebsite:
Prof. Eyal Ben Eliyahu
Academic Staff
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 History of the Second Temple Period; History of the Roman-Byzantine Period; Perception of space; Holy places; Geographical HistoryCurriculum vitae
Prof. Marcos Silber
Academic Staff
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Jewish Politics and political culture in 20th century Poland and Lithuania. He has written on Polish-Israeli relations and mutual migrations, on Jewish Diaspora Nationalism in Poland, Lithuania and Russia in early 20th century as well as on transference of motifs and ideas between Polish nationalism and Zionism, on Yiddish and Polish cinema and on popular culture in inter-war Poland.Website:
Prof. Segev Zohar
Academic Staff
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Dr. Zohar Segev is professor of Jewish History at the University of Haifa. Professor Segev teaches courses on American Jewish History and Zionist History. Professor Segev is also the head of the Wolfson Chair in Jewish religious Thought and Heritage. He is the author of: "From Ethnic Politicians to National Leaders. American Zionist Leadership, the Holocaust and the Establishment of Israel published by Ben Gurion University press. (2007) and “The World Jewish Congress During the Holocaust: Between Activism and Restraint” published by De Gruyter Press. ( July 2014). Professor Segev’s current project is a group biography of Jewish activist who emigrated from Europe to USA during the 1930s and beginning of the 1940. Later, after 1948, they immigrated to Israel. Jewish Activist Like: Jacob Robinson, Arieh Tartakower and Leon Kubowitzki, (Kubovy)Were active in Jewish circles in USA during the Second World War, and after 1948, had important and significant position in the Israeli bureaucracy.
Prof. J. H. (Yossi) Chajes
Academic Staff
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Early modern cultural history, Kabbalah, History of Science, Kabbalistic Diagrams - Ilanot
Prof. Cedric Cohen - Skali
Academic Staff
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The interactions between Jewish, Christian and Muslim thinkers in the early-modern period (14th-16th centuries) in the Iberian and Italian Peninsulas (especially around the figure of Isaac Abravanel). The interactions between Jewish, Christian and Muslim thinkers in later modern period (18th-20th centuries), focusing on issues like the return of Jews and Arabs into the history of philosophy, philosophy in the Middle East, translation, political theology and modern Jewish thought. Website: Vita
Dr. Micha j. Perry
Academic Staff
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Medieval Jewish History; Histoire des Mentalités; Sociology of knowledge; Medieval Jewish Material Culture; History of Jewish Law; Documentary History; Jewish-Christian relations; Ten Lost Tribes; Bilingualismץ Website: vitae
Dr. Shai Srougo
Academic Staff
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I am a social historian studying Mediterranean peoples from a bottom-up point of view. I focuses on the material culture of port Jews (Sephardic merchants), dock Jews (longshoremen, contractors in cargo-handling services, fishermen, port administrators, shipping agents, financers of maritime projects, leasers of waterfront real estate, suppliers of equipment to port authorities, etc.), and Jewish artisans (Jewish niches in handicraft industries) in different parts of the Mediterranean at the turn of the 20th century—i.e., in the era of capitalism, colonialism, and the rise of nation-states.Website: Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Moshe Lavi Levkovitz
Academic Staff
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I study the Classical Rabbinic Literature of Late Antiquity and its reception as reflected in the communities documented inn the Cairo Genizah. I worked on the themes of conversion and demarcation of Identity, gender and family relations. My Genizah studies focus on the use, adaptation and reworking of aggadic midrashim in Hebrew and Judeo Arabic.In the recent years I began to develop the field of Digital Humanities in the University of Haifa and to examine classical Rabbinnic Literature by advance computerized tools.  Website -
Dr. Dorothee Burda Fischer
Academic Staff
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Dr. Svetlana Natkovich
Academic Staff
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Literature and History, History of Jewish Modernization at the Eastern Europe, History of the Haskalah Movement, History of Early Zionist Thought, Cultural history of capitalism at the Eastern Europe.Website: Vitae
Dr. Tal Elmaliach
Academic Staff
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Dr. Ruth Kara-Ivanov Kaniel
Academic Staff
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Researches Jewish Mysticism Psychoanalysis and Gender Website: vitae (CV)
Academic Staff
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Dr. Marc Volovici
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Marc Volovici is Alfred Landecker Lecturer at the University of Haifa. His research interests lie in modern European history, Jewish history, immigration, antisemitism, and the Holocaust. He received his PhD from Princeton University's history department. Marc’s book, German as a Jewish Problem: The Language Politics of Jewish Nationalism (Stanford, 2020), investigates the multifaceted place of the German language in Jewish history and its impact on the formation of Jewish national movements. together with David Feldman, he co-edited the volume Antisemitism, Islamophobia and the Politics of Definition (Palgrave, 2023). His next project explores the question of public self-criticism in modern Jewish politics. Marc served as an academic advisor and co-edited the exhibition catalogue for the award-winning exhibition ‘Jews, Money, Myth’, developed in collaboration with the Jewish Museum London, which ran at the Museum in 2019.

Minor Academic Staff

Minor Academic Staff
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Dr. Gila Hadar
Minor Academic Staff
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Minor Academic Staff
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Dr. Sharon Livneh
Minor Academic Staff
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Academic Staff
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Academic Staff
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Curriculum Vitae
Academic Staff
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Dr. Goldwyn Elizabeth
Academic Staff
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תחומי עניין: 
Dr. Goldman Yiftach
Academic Staff
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Academic Staff
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Minor Academic Staff
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Minor Academic Staff
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Minor Academic Staff
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Minor Academic Staff
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Minor Academic Staff
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Minor Academic Staff
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Dr. Yonatan Sagiv
Minor Academic Staff
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Minor Academic Staff
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Minor Academic Staff
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Minor Academic Staff
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תחומי עניין:שואת יהודי אירופה. ההיסטוריה של יהודי פולין במאה השנים האחרונות לפני החורבן.
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Prof. Daniel Gutwein
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Academic Staff
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Prof. Kenneth Stow
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Academic Staff
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תחומי עניין: תולדות ישראל בתקופת הבית השני המשנה והתלמוד. עיון במרידות היהודים בתקופה הנידונה.תולדות העמים ועדות בארץ ישראל כולל השומרונים והנבטים.
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Prof. Minna Rozen
Academic Staff
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Research Fellows

Research Fellows
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The interactions between Jewish and Christian thinkers in the early-modern period (14th-16th centuries) in the Iberian and Italian Peninsulas (especially around the figure of Isaac Abravanel).The interactions between Jewish and Christian thinkers in late modern period (18th-20th centuries), especially around the question of religion in late modern philosophy, but also of emancipation, translation, philosophy of language, political theology. Website: Vita
Academic Staff
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Curriculum Vitae